Members Fellowship Members Formation

Formation with Fr Adrian Danker, S.J.

16 December 2017 On 16 Dec 2017, LDS members gathered at SJI for formation by Fr Adrian Danker, SJ, on Inner Freedom. This was held in the beautiful refurbished chapel. Following the formation session, they adjourned to YMCA, Stevens Road, for their Christmas luncheon. Seated L>R : Sr Mary Chua, Patricia D’Souza, Sr Celine Low, Sr Rosalind Chan, Sr Florence Wong, Diana Koh, Sr Theresa Koh Standing L>R : Fr Adrian Danker, Gerry Szeto, Sr…

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Members Fellowship

10 years already!

September 2016 Yes! It was 10 years ago that the 2nd batch of LDT trainee-diretcees “graduated” from the LDT course. The group (minus Sr Felicity in Malaysia, Mark Neubronner and our dearly departed Tong Ying) celebrated this event at a breakfast in Crossings in September 2016. The breakfast was good and the conversation and fellowship even better. They then adjourned to CANA for their monthly Faith Sharing.

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